Word Wide Web of Fish

What is Wwwof?

Wwwof is a collection of fish projects.

Different Names for the Same Thing:



Worldwide Web of Fish

How We Work in Wwwof

Cacharreo - What is Cacharreo?

Cacharreo is an empirical way to experiment, learn, correct, and have fun, especially when working with recycled materials.

It's a great approach for recycling.

In Spanish, there's a saying:

Ver y no tocar se llama respetar

The Best Concept: Work and Already Done

Working on projects that are already done is the better way to survive.

How Can I Contribute?

You can propose your contributions or take initiative:

Contact Us: curapeces@gmail.com

Note: Dealing with saltwater fishes is challenging due to legal restrictions.

You Can Help with This Part

The law is the law.

Wwwof Trophy

Wwwof Trophy

By Stencil Malibu or Seliotoy